Foam Cutter 410 U-Cut Foam Cutter
Cut Foam From 1/4" - 9"
Features - Fast and flexible. U-Cut will cut from a minimum of 1/4" to a maximum thickness of 9". Allows you to glue salvageable pieces together and minimize waste.
Instructions -
When the unit is assembled, the arms must be slightly compressed to hold the blade secure under tension. Best results are obtained by working on a smooth surface. Hold the material in place with a piece of plywood, either by hand or with a weight. Supply enough pressure to prevent the foam from moving, but not enough to compress it so it will expand again after cutting. If a sheet of plywood is not used, the cut is unlikely to be uneven. When starting the cut it will be easier to angle into one corner first, rather than trying to start the cut across the whole face.
Uses -
Useful tool for straight cutting layered foams and cutting down sheets to laminate different foams together. Provides a straight consistent cut on foam sheets.